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The Minneapolis youth ukulele Orchestra

The Minneapolis youth ukulele orchestra is a fun opportunity for young people to play fun songs in a group. We work hard, but have a playful approach, incorporating kazoos, singing, clapping and egg shakers. Participants learn how to play collaboratively with each other, at the same tempo, listening to one another and having harmonizing parts. We rehearse weekly in a large group and will have three performances this year.

The mission of the Minneapolis Youth Orchestra is to promote access to the world of music through ukulele education and performance opportunities. 

The vision is to expand access to ukulele education and performance through community outreach programs and partnerships.

The Minneapolis Youth Orchestra will have three performances for the 2024-2025 season!

The Fall Show: The Great Minnesota Uke Gathering (for more information, check out:

The Holiday Show: Dec Martin Luther King Park

The Spring Show: Art-A-Whirl Weekend

Go to the contact us button and send a message if you are interested in learning more OR click on this link to register.

You do NOT need to take lessons with Dandelion Joy Music to join the orchestra, just have a love for the ukulele and be able to finger pick the C major scale.